AGPGC & Partner sells, manufactures, and services its products in countries all over the world. Business is conducted through the Houston office with sales and service employees plus sales representatives. Although 80% of AGPGC’s employees and 85% of the physical assets are located in the U.S., AGPGC exports more than 80% of its products.Markets AGPGC participates in two major market segments:
- Oil and Gas Production and Transmission (O&G),
- Power Generation (PG)
An essential requirement for market success is operating effectively in every global region. AGPGC is a domestic company competing and winning internationally through a marketing strategy of deploying processes within the culture of the region. By placing people in specific geographic areas and driving decisions down to their locale, AGPGC is able to operate effectively within the common practices of the region.
Another important requirement for market success is providing the necessary after-sales service and support in any global location. Because gas turbine installations operate for decades, providing service for the life of the product, overhaul, and refurbishment are critical components of market success.
Social Responsibility All of AGPGC & Partner’s facilities place high priority on environmental health and safety performance. High priority areas include Pollution Prevention and Waste Reduction and many of AGPGC’s & Partner facilities have received awards for safety and environmental management.
Emission standards are becoming increasingly more stringent worldwide and are a core customer requirement. Offering low-emissions products provide a competitive advantage. AGPGC markets a dry-emission technology that significantly reduces nitrogen oxide emissions, a contributor to smog. AGPGC’s effectiveness in providing new pollution-prevention technology into the marketplace was confirmed through a Department of Energy (DOE) grant to one of our partners to develop the next generation of high-efficiency, low-emission industrial gas turbines.
Supplier and Partnership Relationships Suppliers are classified into three categories: approved, certified, and partners. Suppliers undergo a rigorous process to achieve these ratings, including an 18-point process-control assessment that addresses material and documentation control, personnel selection and training, quality management, and continuous improvement approach. Annual quality, cost, and cycle-time reduction goals are established and monitored and direct point-of-use deliveries provide both AGPGC and these suppliers with quality and cost benefits.
Supplier partnerships exist where there is a critical dependency on supplier technology, part performance, and/or part lead times. A few select partners have demonstrated the highest quality and performance standards, participated in shared risk-taking, and assigned people in AGPGC’s facilities to participate on new product development teams.
AGPGC’s supplier strategy is to optimize the number of suppliers by basing selection on core competencies, value added, and dedication to continuous improvement. AGPGC’s Supplier Quality Management System (SQMS) provides suppliers with monthly status of their delivery and quality performance. AGPGC hosts Supplier Symposiums and training to strengthen relationships. AGPGC has special practices in place to manage and protect its small, disadvantaged suppliers.